The Florida Cancer Data System - Publications

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  • FCDS Research Journal Publications Report, Florida Cancer Data System Data Use. A bibliography of publications that were published using the FCDS data. It allows for the query by publication year and cancer type with an option to create a PDF
  • The FCDS Memo is intended to clarify policies and procedures, introduce new staff and programs. It's main purpose is to keep everyone informed of the goings on at FCDS.

  • 2024: Jan, Apr, Jul
  • 2023: Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct
  • 2022: Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct
  • 2021: Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct
  • 2020: Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct
  • 2019: Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct
  • 2018: Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct
  • 2017: Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct
  • 2016: Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct
  • 2015: Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct
  • 2014: Jan-Feb, Mar-Apr, May-Jun, Oct
  • 2013: Jan, Mar, May, Aug, Oct, Dec
  • 2012: Jan-Feb, Mar, May-Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep-Oct, Nov-Dec
  • 2011: Jan-Feb, Mar-Apr, Jul-Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov-Dec
  • 2010: Jan-Feb, Mar-Apr, May-Jun, Aug, Sep, Oct-Nov, Dec
  • 2009: Jan, Feb-Mar, Apr, May-Jun, Jul, Aug-Sep, Oct, Nov-Dec
  • 2008: Jan-Feb, Mar-Apr, May, June, Jul-Aug, Sep, Oct-Nov, Dec
  • 2007: Jan-Feb, Mar-Apr, May, June, Jul-Aug, Sep-Oct, Nov, Dec
  • 2006: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr-May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec
  • 2005: Jan-Feb, Mar, Apr-May, Jun, Jul-Aug, Sep, Nov-Dec
  • 2004: Jan-Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul-Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec
  • 2003: Jan-Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun-Jul, Aug-Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec
  • 2002: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun-Jul, Aug-Sep, Oct-Nov, Dec
  • 2001: Jan-Feb, Mar, Apr-May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep-Oct, Nov, Dec
  • 2000: Jan-Feb, Mar-Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec
  • The FCDS Register is a newsletter published by FCDS highlighting activities within FCDS and the reporting community. It also includes updates on reporting requirements and abstracting standards. After 2013, future content appears in the FCDS Memo.

  • 2013: Volume 57
  • 2012: Volume 54, Volume 55, Volume 56
  • 2011: Volume 50, Volume 51, Volume 52, Volume 53
  • 2010: Volume 46, Volume 47, Volume 48, Volume 49
  • 2009: Volume 42, Volume 43, Volume 44, Volume 45
  • 2008: Volume 38, Volume 39, Volume 40, Volume 41
  • 2007: Volume 34, Volume 35, Volume 36, Volume 37
  • 2006: Volume 30, Volume 31, Volume 32, Volume 33
  • 2005: Volume 26, Volume 27, Volume 28, Volume 29
  • 2004: Volume 22, Volume 23, Volume 24, Volume 25
  • 2003: Volume 18, Volume 19, Volume 20, Volume 21
  • 2002: Volume 14, Volume 15, Volume 16, Volume 17
  • 2001: Volume 11, Volume 12, Volume 13
  • 2000: Volume 7, Volume 8, Volume 9, Volume 10

  • Record Linkage Monograph 2023

    A Feasibility Study of the Python Package splink for Probabilistic Record Linkage:

    Executive Summary



    Survival Monographs

    Cancer Survival in Florida 1999-2003 with 10-year Follow-up (monograph)

    Survival Analysis of the Florida Cancer Data System: A Data Science Project Using Stata (tech report)

    Supplement to Survival Analysis of the Florida Cancer Data System: A Data Science Project Using Stata (supplement)

    Weight Related Monographs

    Weight-Related Cancers in Florida 1992-2013 Monograph

    Cancer Among Persons of African Descent Monograph

    Cover Letter

    Cancer Among Persons of African Descent: 1988-2007

    Cancer Among Persons of African Descent Tables: 1988-2007: Monograph tables

    Hispanic Monograph 2010

    Cancer in Florida Hispanics: 1989-2006

    Cancer in Florida Hispanics: 1989-2006: Monograph Tables

    Joinpoint tables

    Joinpoint stage tables

    PIR females tables

    PIR males tables

    Rates by year/site tables

    Rates by year/site/stage tables

    Site Distributions NonHispanic White By Gender tables

    Site Distributions Sub-Hispanic Group tables

    Pediatric Cancer Report

    Pediatric Cancer in Florida 1981-2000 Pediatric Cancer in Florida 1981-2007

    Other reports/National Data

    Linkage of 1986-2009 National Health Interview Survey With 1981-2010 Florida Cancer Data System

    Florida DOH Comprehensive Cancer Control Program, Florida Cancer Plan

    NAACCR FastStats

    NCI State Cancer Profiles

    CanQues: CanQues is an interactive system with a Java interface that allows the user to access millions pre-calculated cancer statistics. CanQues performs no calculations and contains statistics that were created using SEER*Stat. This latest version enhances the system's charting capability and adds web-based graphing features.

    Florida Department of Health Cancer Registry Program - Cancer Reports

    Introduction Methods Definition

    SUGGESTED CITATION: Florida Annual Cancer Report: 2016 Incidence and Mortality. Tallahassee: Florida Department of Health, 2016.

    ACKNOWLEDGMENT: We acknowledge the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for its support of the Florida Cancer Data System, and the publication and distribution of the Florida Annual Cancer Report under cooperative agreement U58DP003872-04 awarded to Florida. The findings and conclusions in this [report] are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


    Table 1: Number of New Cancer Cases by Sex and Race

    Table 2: Number of New Cancer Cases by County

    Table 3: Number of New Cancer Cases by Sex, Race and Age Group

    Table 4: Age Adjusted Incidence Rates by Sex and Race

    Table 4.1 Age-Adjusted Incidence Rate (1) Comparison Florida and U.S.(2)

    Table 5: Age Adjusted Incidence Rates by County

    Table 6: Age specific incidence Rates by Sex, Race and Age Group

    Table 7: Percentage of Advanced Stage Cancer at Diagnosis by Sex and Race

    Table 8: Percentage of Advanced Stage Cancer at Diagnosis by County

    Table 9: Percentage of Advanced Stage Cancer at Diagnosis by Sex, Race and Age Groups


    Figure 1: Percentage of New Cancer Cases by Sex, Race and Site

    Figure 2: New Cases and Age Adjusted Incidence Rates for All Cancers by Sex and Race

    Figure 3: New Cases and Age Adjusted Incidence Rates for All Cancers by Sex and Race

    Figure 4: Age Adjusted Incidence Rates for All Cancers by Sex and Race

    Figure 5: Age Specific Incidence Rates for All Cancers by Sex, Race and Age Group

    Figure 6.1: Age Adjusted Incidence Rates by Sex and Race

    Figure 7: All Cancers by Stage

    Figure 8.1: Percentage of Advanced Stage Cancer at Diagnosis by Sex and Race


    Table 10: Prevalence of Breast Cancer Screening Among Females Age 40 and Older

    Table 11: Prevalence of Pap Smear Test Among Females Age 18 and Older

    Table 12: Prevalence of Prostate Screening Among Males Age 40 and Older

    Table 13: Prevalence of Colorectal Screening Among Adults Age 50 and Older

    Table 14: Prevalence of Cancer Screening in Adults by County


    Figure 9: Prevalence of Mammogram Among Females Age 40 and Older

    Figure 10: Prevalence of Pap Smear Test Among Females Age 18 and Older

    Figure 11.1: Prevalence of PSA Test Among Males Age 40 and Older

    Figure 11.2: Prevalence of Digital Rectal Exam Among Males Age 40 and Older

    Figure 12.1: Prevalence of Blood Stool Test Among Adults Age 50 and Older

    Figure 12.2: Prevalence of Sigmoidoscopy Exam Among Adults 50 and Older


    Table 15: Number of Cancer Deaths by Sex and Race

    Table 16: Number of Cancer Deaths by County

    Table 17: Number of Cancer Deaths by Sex, Race, and Age Group

    Table 18: Age Adjusted Mortality Rates by Sex and Race

    Table 18.1 Age-Adjusted Mortality Rate (1) Comparison Florida and U.S.(2)

    Table 19: Age Adjusted Mortality Rates by County

    Table 20: Age Specific Mortality Rates by Sex, Race and Age Group

    Table 21: Deaths-to-Cases Ratios by Sex and Race

    Table 22: Deaths-to-Cases Ratios by County

    Table 23: Deaths-to-Cases Ratios by Sex,Race and Age Group

    Table 24: Years of Potential Life Lost Due to All Causes and Selected Cancers by Sex and Race

    Table 25: Years of Potential Life Lost Due to All Causes and Selected Cancers by Sex and Race

    Figure 13: Percentage of Cancer Deaths by Sex, Race and Size

    Figure 14: Deaths and Age Adjusted Mortality Rates for All Cancers by Sex and Race


    Figure 15: Deaths and Age Adjusted Mortality Rates for All Cancers by Sex and Race

    Figure 16: Age Adjusted Mortality for All Cancers by Sex and Race

    Figure 17: Age Specific Mortality Rates for All Cancers by Sex ,Race and Age Group

    Figure 18.1: Age Adjusted Mortality by Sex and Race

    Figure 19: Years of Potential Life Lost by Sex and by Race

    Figure 20: Average Years of Potential Life Lost by Race and Cancer Site

    Figure 21: Average Years of Potential Life Lost by Race

    Cancer by Age

    Table 26: Age Specific Rates of the 5 Highest Ranked Sites by Sex and Race (0-14)

    Table 27: Age Specific Rates of the 5 Highest Ranked Sites by Sex and Race (15-39)

    Table 28: Specific Rates of the 5 Highest Ranked Sites by Sex and Race (40-64)

    Table 29: Age Specific Rates of the 5 Highest Ranked Sites by Sex and Race (65+)


    Figure 22.1: Percentage of New Cancers by Sex, Race and Site Age 0-14

    Figure 22.2: Percentage of Cancer Deaths by Sex, Race and Site Age 0-14

    Figure 23.1: Percentage of New Cancers by Sex, race and Site Age 15-39

    Figure 23.2: Percentage of Cancer Deaths by Sex, race and Site Age 15-39

    Figure 24.1: Percentage of New Cancers by Sex, Race and Site Age 40-64

    Figure 24.2: Percentage of Cancer Deaths by Sex, race and Site Age 40-64

    Figure 25.1: Percentage of New Cancers by Sex, Race and Site Age 65+

    Figure 25.2: Percentage of Cancer Deaths by Sex, Race and Site Age 65+


    Figure 26: Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates for Tobacco-Related Cancers (1) by Sex and Race

    Figure 27: Prevalence of Current Cigarette Use Among Adults by Sex and Race

    Figure 28: Prevalence of Current Cigarette Use Among Adults by Age Group

    Figure 29: Prevalence of Current Cigarette Use Among Adults by Health Coverage

    Cancer Burden

    Table 33: Number of Cancer Hospitalizations by Sex and Race

    Table 34: Number of Cancer Hospitalizations by County

    Table 35: Crude Hospitalization Rates for Cancer by County

    Table 36: Total and Median Length of Stay per Cancer Hospitalization by Sex and Race

    Table 37: Total Length of Stay per Cancer Hospitalizations by County

    Table 38: Total Charges for All Cancer Hospitalizations by Sex and Race

    Table 39: Median Charge per Cancer Hospitalization by Sex and Race

    Table 40: Total Charges for All Cancer Hospitalizations by County

    Table 41: Median Charge per Cancer Hospitalization by County


    Appendix A.1. Population by Sex, Race and Age Group

    Appendix A.2. Population by County

    Appendix B Incidence and Mortality Codes for Cancer Sites

    Appendix C Principal Diagnosis code ranges

    Appendix E.1 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of All Cancer Sites by County

    Appendix E.2 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Lung Cancer by County

    Appendix E.3 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Prostate Cancer by County

    Appendix E.4 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Breast Cancer by County

    Appendix E.5 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Colorectal Cancer by County

    Appendix E.6 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Bladder Cancer by County

    Appendix E.7 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Head and Neck Cancer by County

    Appendix E.8 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma by County

    Appendix E.9 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Melanoma by County

    Appendix E.10 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Ovarian Cancer by County

    Appendix E.11 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Cervical Cancer by County

    Introduction Methods Definition

    SUGGESTED CITATION: Florida Annual Cancer Report: 2017 Incidence and Mortality. Tallahassee: Florida Department of Health, 2017.

    ACKNOWLEDGMENT: We acknowledge the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for its support of the Florida Cancer Data System, and the publication and distribution of the Florida Annual Cancer Report under cooperative agreement U58DP003872-04 awarded to Florida. The findings and conclusions in this [report] are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


    Table 1: Number of New Cancer Cases by Sex and Race

    Table 2: Number of New Cancer Cases by County

    Table 3: Number of New Cancer Cases by Sex, Race and Age Group

    Table 4: Age Adjusted Incidence Rates by Sex and Race

    Table 4.1 Age-Adjusted Incidence Rate (1) Comparison Florida and U.S.(2)

    Table 5: Age Adjusted Incidence Rates by County

    Table 6: Age specific incidence Rates by Sex, Race and Age Group

    Table 7: Percentage of Advanced Stage Cancer at Diagnosis by Sex and Race

    Table 8: Percentage of Advanced Stage Cancer at Diagnosis by County

    Table 9: Percentage of Advanced Stage Cancer at Diagnosis by Sex, Race and Age Groups


    Figure 1: Percentage of New Cancer Cases by Sex, Race and Site

    Figure 2: New Cases and Age Adjusted Incidence Rates for All Cancers by Sex and Race

    Figure 3: New Cases and Age Adjusted Incidence Rates for All Cancers by Sex and Race

    Figure 4: Age Adjusted Incidence Rates for All Cancers by Sex and Race

    Figure 5: Age Specific Incidence Rates for All Cancers by Sex, Race and Age Group

    Figure 6.1: Age Adjusted Incidence Rates by Sex and Race

    Figure 7: All Cancers by Stage

    Figure 8.1: Percentage of Advanced Stage Cancer at Diagnosis by Sex and Race


    Table 10: Prevalence of Breast Cancer Screening Among Females Age 40 and Older

    Table 11: Prevalence of Pap Smear Test Among Females Age 18 and Older

    Table 12: Prevalence of Prostate Screening Among Males Age 40 and Older

    Table 13: Prevalence of Colorectal Screening Among Adults Age 50 and Older

    Table 14: Prevalence of Cancer Screening in Adults by County


    Figure 9: Prevalence of Mammogram Among Females Age 40 and Older

    Figure 10: Prevalence of Pap Smear Test Among Females Age 18 and Older

    Figure 11.1: Prevalence of PSA Test Among Males Age 40 and Older

    Figure 11.2: Prevalence of Digital Rectal Exam Among Males Age 40 and Older

    Figure 12.1: Prevalence of Blood Stool Test Among Adults Age 50 and Older

    Figure 12.2: Prevalence of Sigmoidoscopy Exam Among Adults 50 and Older


    Table 15: Number of Cancer Deaths by Sex and Race

    Table 16: Number of Cancer Deaths by County

    Table 17: Number of Cancer Deaths by Sex, Race, and Age Group

    Table 18: Age Adjusted Mortality Rates by Sex and Race

    Table 18.1 Age-Adjusted Mortality Rate (1) Comparison Florida and U.S.(2)

    Table 19: Age Adjusted Mortality Rates by County

    Table 20: Age Specific Mortality Rates by Sex, Race and Age Group

    Table 21: Deaths-to-Cases Ratios by Sex and Race

    Table 22: Deaths-to-Cases Ratios by County

    Table 23: Deaths-to-Cases Ratios by Sex,Race and Age Group

    Table 24: Years of Potential Life Lost Due to All Causes and Selected Cancers by Sex and Race

    Table 25: Years of Potential Life Lost Due to All Causes and Selected Cancers by Sex and Race

    Figure 13: Percentage of Cancer Deaths by Sex, Race and Size

    Figure 14: Deaths and Age Adjusted Mortality Rates for All Cancers by Sex and Race


    Figure 15: Deaths and Age Adjusted Mortality Rates for All Cancers by Sex and Race

    Figure 16: Age Adjusted Mortality for All Cancers by Sex and Race

    Figure 17: Age Specific Mortality Rates for All Cancers by Sex ,Race and Age Group

    Figure 18.1: Age Adjusted Mortality by Sex and Race

    Figure 19: Years of Potential Life Lost by Sex and by Race

    Figure 20: Average Years of Potential Life Lost by Race and Cancer Site

    Figure 21: Average Years of Potential Life Lost by Race

    Cancer by Age

    Table 26: Age Specific Rates of the 5 Highest Ranked Sites by Sex and Race (0-14)

    Table 27: Age Specific Rates of the 5 Highest Ranked Sites by Sex and Race (15-39)

    Table 28: Specific Rates of the 5 Highest Ranked Sites by Sex and Race (40-64)

    Table 29: Age Specific Rates of the 5 Highest Ranked Sites by Sex and Race (65+)


    Figure 22.1: Percentage of New Cancers by Sex, Race and Site Age 0-14

    Figure 22.2: Percentage of Cancer Deaths by Sex, Race and Site Age 0-14

    Figure 23.1: Percentage of New Cancers by Sex, race and Site Age 15-39

    Figure 23.2: Percentage of Cancer Deaths by Sex, race and Site Age 15-39

    Figure 24.1: Percentage of New Cancers by Sex, Race and Site Age 40-64

    Figure 24.2: Percentage of Cancer Deaths by Sex, race and Site Age 40-64

    Figure 25.1: Percentage of New Cancers by Sex, Race and Site Age 65+

    Figure 25.2: Percentage of Cancer Deaths by Sex, Race and Site Age 65+


    Figure 26: Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates for Tobacco-Related Cancers (1) by Sex and Race

    Figure 27: Prevalence of Current Cigarette Use Among Adults by Sex and Race

    Figure 28: Prevalence of Current Cigarette Use Among Adults by Age Group

    Figure 29: Prevalence of Current Cigarette Use Among Adults by Health Coverage

    Cancer Burden

    Table 33: Number of Cancer Hospitalizations by Sex and Race

    Table 34: Number of Cancer Hospitalizations by County

    Table 35: Crude Hospitalization Rates for Cancer by County

    Table 36: Total and Median Length of Stay per Cancer Hospitalization by Sex and Race

    Table 37: Total Length of Stay per Cancer Hospitalizations by County

    Table 38: Total Charges for All Cancer Hospitalizations by Sex and Race

    Table 39: Median Charge per Cancer Hospitalization by Sex and Race

    Table 40: Total Charges for All Cancer Hospitalizations by County

    Table 41: Median Charge per Cancer Hospitalization by County


    Appendix A.1. Population by Sex, Race and Age Group

    Appendix A.2. Population by County

    Appendix B Incidence and Mortality Codes for Cancer Sites

    Appendix C Principal Diagnosis code ranges

    Appendix E.1 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of All Cancer Sites by County

    Appendix E.2 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Lung Cancer by County

    Appendix E.3 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Prostate Cancer by County

    Appendix E.4 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Breast Cancer by County

    Appendix E.5 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Colorectal Cancer by County

    Appendix E.6 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Bladder Cancer by County

    Appendix E.7 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Head and Neck Cancer by County

    Appendix E.8 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma by County

    Appendix E.9 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Melanoma by County

    Appendix E.10 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Ovarian Cancer by County

    Appendix E.11 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Cervical Cancer by County

    Introduction Methods Definition

    SUGGESTED CITATION: Florida Annual Cancer Report: 2018 Incidence and Mortality. Tallahassee: Florida Department of Health, 2018.

    ACKNOWLEDGMENT: We acknowledge the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for its support of the Florida Cancer Data System, and the publication and distribution of the Florida Annual Cancer Report under cooperative agreement U58DP003872-04 awarded to Florida. The findings and conclusions in this [report] are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


    Table 1: Number of New Cancer Cases by Sex and Race

    Table 2: Number of New Cancer Cases by County

    Table 3: Number of New Cancer Cases by Sex, Race and Age Group

    Table 4: Age Adjusted Incidence Rates by Sex and Race

    Table 4.1 Age-Adjusted Incidence Rate (1) Comparison Florida and U.S.(2)

    Table 5: Age Adjusted Incidence Rates by County

    Table 6: Age specific incidence Rates by Sex, Race and Age Group

    Table 7: Percentage of Advanced Stage Cancer at Diagnosis by Sex and Race

    Table 8: Percentage of Advanced Stage Cancer at Diagnosis by County

    Table 9: Percentage of Advanced Stage Cancer at Diagnosis by Sex, Race and Age Groups


    Figure 1: Percentage of New Cancer Cases by Sex, Race and Site

    Figure 2: New Cases and Age Adjusted Incidence Rates for All Cancers by Sex and Race

    Figure 3: New Cases and Age Adjusted Incidence Rates for All Cancers by Sex and Race

    Figure 4: Age Adjusted Incidence Rates for All Cancers by Sex and Race

    Figure 5: Age Specific Incidence Rates for All Cancers by Sex, Race and Age Group

    Figure 6.1: Age Adjusted Incidence Rates by Sex and Race

    Figure 7: All Cancers by Stage

    Figure 8.1: Percentage of Advanced Stage Cancer at Diagnosis by Sex and Race


    Table 10: Prevalence of Breast Cancer Screening Among Females Age 40 and Older (Pending)

    Table 11: Prevalence of Pap Smear Test Among Females Age 18 and Older (Pending)

    Table 12: Prevalence of Prostate Screening Among Males Age 40 and Older (Pending)

    Table 13: Prevalence of Colorectal Screening Among Adults Age 50 and Older (Pending)

    Table 14: Prevalence of Cancer Screening in Adults by County


    Figure 9: Prevalence of Mammogram Among Females Age 40 and Older (Pending)

    Figure 10: Prevalence of Pap Smear Test Among Females Age 18 and Older (Pending)

    Figure 11.1: Prevalence of PSA Test Among Males Age 40 and Older (Pending)

    Figure 11.2: Prevalence of Digital Rectal Exam Among Males Age 40 and Older (Pending)

    Figure 12.1: Prevalence of Blood Stool Test Among Adults Age 50 and Older (Pending)

    Figure 12.2: Prevalence of Sigmoidoscopy Exam Among Adults 50 and Older (Pending)


    Table 15: Number of Cancer Deaths by Sex and Race

    Table 16: Number of Cancer Deaths by County

    Table 17: Number of Cancer Deaths by Sex, Race, and Age Group

    Table 18: Age Adjusted Mortality Rates by Sex and Race

    Table 18.1 Age-Adjusted Mortality Rate (1) Comparison Florida and U.S.(2)

    Table 19: Age Adjusted Mortality Rates by County

    Table 20: Age Specific Mortality Rates by Sex, Race and Age Group

    Table 21: Deaths-to-Cases Ratios by Sex and Race

    Table 22: Deaths-to-Cases Ratios by County

    Table 23: Deaths-to-Cases Ratios by Sex,Race and Age Group

    Table 24: Years of Potential Life Lost Due to All Causes and Selected Cancers by Sex and Race

    Table 25: Years of Potential Life Lost Due to All Causes and Selected Cancers by Sex and Race

    Figure 13: Percentage of Cancer Deaths by Sex, Race and Size

    Figure 14: Deaths and Age Adjusted Mortality Rates for All Cancers by Sex and Race


    Figure 15: Deaths and Age Adjusted Mortality Rates for All Cancers by Sex and Race

    Figure 16: Age Adjusted Mortality for All Cancers by Sex and Race

    Figure 17: Age Specific Mortality Rates for All Cancers by Sex ,Race and Age Group

    Figure 18.1: Age Adjusted Mortality by Sex and Race

    Figure 19: Years of Potential Life Lost by Sex and by Race

    Figure 20: Average Years of Potential Life Lost by Race and Cancer Site

    Figure 21: Average Years of Potential Life Lost by Race

    Cancer by Age

    Table 26: Age Specific Rates of the 5 Highest Ranked Sites by Sex and Race (0-14)

    Table 27: Age Specific Rates of the 5 Highest Ranked Sites by Sex and Race (15-39)

    Table 28: Specific Rates of the 5 Highest Ranked Sites by Sex and Race (40-64)

    Table 29: Age Specific Rates of the 5 Highest Ranked Sites by Sex and Race (65+)


    Figure 22.1: Percentage of New Cancers by Sex, Race and Site Age 0-14

    Figure 22.2: Percentage of Cancer Deaths by Sex, Race and Site Age 0-14

    Figure 23.1: Percentage of New Cancers by Sex, race and Site Age 15-39

    Figure 23.2: Percentage of Cancer Deaths by Sex, race and Site Age 15-39

    Figure 24.1: Percentage of New Cancers by Sex, Race and Site Age 40-64

    Figure 24.2: Percentage of Cancer Deaths by Sex, race and Site Age 40-64

    Figure 25.1: Percentage of New Cancers by Sex, Race and Site Age 65+

    Figure 25.2: Percentage of Cancer Deaths by Sex, Race and Site Age 65+


    Figure 26: Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates for Tobacco-Related Cancers (1) by Sex and Race

    Figure 27: Prevalence of Current Cigarette Use Among Adults by Sex and Race (Pending)

    Figure 28: Prevalence of Current Cigarette Use Among Adults by Age Group (Pending)

    Figure 29: Prevalence of Current Cigarette Use Among Adults by Health Coverage (Pending)

    Cancer Burden

    Table 33: Number of Cancer Hospitalizations by Sex and Race

    Table 34: Number of Cancer Hospitalizations by County

    Table 35: Crude Hospitalization Rates for Cancer by County

    Table 36: Total and Median Length of Stay per Cancer Hospitalization by Sex and Race

    Table 37: Total Length of Stay per Cancer Hospitalizations by County

    Table 38: Total Charges for All Cancer Hospitalizations by Sex and Race

    Table 39: Median Charge per Cancer Hospitalization by Sex and Race

    Table 40: Total Charges for All Cancer Hospitalizations by County

    Table 41: Median Charge per Cancer Hospitalization by County


    Appendix A.1. Population by Sex, Race and Age Group

    Appendix A.2. Population by County

    Appendix B Incidence and Mortality Codes for Cancer Sites

    Appendix C Principal Diagnosis code ranges

    Appendix E.1 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of All Cancer Sites by County (Pending)

    Appendix E.2 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Lung Cancer by County (Pending)

    Appendix E.3 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Prostate Cancer by County (Pending)

    Appendix E.4 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Breast Cancer by County (Pending)

    Appendix E.5 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Colorectal Cancer by County (Pending)

    Appendix E.6 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Bladder Cancer by County (Pending)

    Appendix E.7 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Head and Neck Cancer by County (Pending)

    Appendix E.8 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma by County (Pending)

    Appendix E.9 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Melanoma by County (Pending)

    Appendix E.10 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Ovarian Cancer by County (Pending)

    Appendix E.11 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Cervical Cancer by County (Pending)

    Introduction Methods Definition

    SUGGESTED CITATION: Florida Annual Cancer Report: 2019 Incidence and Mortality. Tallahassee: Florida Department of Health, 2019.

    ACKNOWLEDGMENT: We acknowledge the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for its support of the Florida Cancer Data System, and the publication and distribution of the Florida Annual Cancer Report under cooperative agreement U58DP003872-04 awarded to Florida. The findings and conclusions in this [report] are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


    Table 1: Number of New Cancer Cases by Sex and Race

    Table 2: Number of New Cancer Cases by County

    Table 3: Number of New Cancer Cases by Sex, Race and Age Group

    Table 4: Age Adjusted Incidence Rates by Sex and Race

    Table 4.1 Age-Adjusted Incidence Rate (1) Comparison Florida and U.S.(2)

    Table 5: Age Adjusted Incidence Rates by County

    Table 6: Age specific incidence Rates by Sex, Race and Age Group

    Table 7: Percentage of Advanced Stage Cancer at Diagnosis by Sex and Race

    Table 8: Percentage of Advanced Stage Cancer at Diagnosis by County

    Table 9: Percentage of Advanced Stage Cancer at Diagnosis by Sex, Race and Age Groups


    Figure 1: Percentage of New Cancer Cases by Sex, Race and Site

    Figure 2: New Cases and Age Adjusted Incidence Rates for All Cancers by Sex and Race

    Figure 3: New Cases and Age Adjusted Incidence Rates for All Cancers by Sex and Race

    Figure 4: Age Adjusted Incidence Rates for All Cancers by Sex and Race

    Figure 5: Age Specific Incidence Rates for All Cancers by Sex, Race and Age Group

    Figure 6.1: Age Adjusted Incidence Rates by Sex and Race

    Figure 7: All Cancers by Stage

    Figure 8.1: Percentage of Advanced Stage Cancer at Diagnosis by Sex and Race


    Table 10: Prevalence of Breast Cancer Screening Among Females Age 40 and Older (Pending)

    Table 11: Prevalence of Pap Smear Test Among Females Age 18 and Older (Pending)

    Table 12: Prevalence of Prostate Screening Among Males Age 40 and Older (Pending)

    Table 13: Prevalence of Colorectal Screening Among Adults Age 50 and Older (Pending)

    Table 14: Prevalence of Cancer Screening in Adults by County (Pending)


    Figure 9: Prevalence of Mammogram Among Females Age 40 and Older (Pending)

    Figure 10: Prevalence of Pap Smear Test Among Females Age 18 and Older (Pending)

    Figure 11.1: Prevalence of PSA Test Among Males Age 40 and Older (Pending)

    Figure 11.2: Prevalence of Digital Rectal Exam Among Males Age 40 and Older (Pending)

    Figure 12.1: Prevalence of Blood Stool Test Among Adults Age 50 and Older (Pending)

    Figure 12.2: Prevalence of Sigmoidoscopy Exam Among Adults 50 and Older (Pending)


    Table 15: Number of Cancer Deaths by Sex and Race

    Table 16: Number of Cancer Deaths by County

    Table 17: Number of Cancer Deaths by Sex, Race, and Age Group

    Table 18: Age Adjusted Mortality Rates by Sex and Race

    Table 18.1 Age-Adjusted Mortality Rate (1) Comparison Florida and U.S.(2)

    Table 19: Age Adjusted Mortality Rates by County

    Table 20: Age Specific Mortality Rates by Sex, Race and Age Group

    Table 21: Deaths-to-Cases Ratios by Sex and Race

    Table 22: Deaths-to-Cases Ratios by County

    Table 23: Deaths-to-Cases Ratios by Sex,Race and Age Group

    Table 24: Years of Potential Life Lost Due to All Causes and Selected Cancers by Sex and Race

    Table 25: Years of Potential Life Lost Due to All Causes and Selected Cancers by Sex and Race

    Figure 13: Percentage of Cancer Deaths by Sex, Race and Size

    Figure 14: Deaths and Age Adjusted Mortality Rates for All Cancers by Sex and Race


    Figure 15: Deaths and Age Adjusted Mortality Rates for All Cancers by Sex and Race

    Figure 16: Age Adjusted Mortality for All Cancers by Sex and Race

    Figure 17: Age Specific Mortality Rates for All Cancers by Sex ,Race and Age Group

    Figure 18.1: Age Adjusted Mortality by Sex and Race

    Figure 19: Years of Potential Life Lost by Sex and by Race

    Figure 20: Average Years of Potential Life Lost by Race and Cancer Site

    Figure 21: Average Years of Potential Life Lost by Race

    Cancer by Age

    Table 26: Age Specific Rates of the 5 Highest Ranked Sites by Sex and Race (0-14)

    Table 27: Age Specific Rates of the 5 Highest Ranked Sites by Sex and Race (15-39)

    Table 28: Specific Rates of the 5 Highest Ranked Sites by Sex and Race (40-64)

    Table 29: Age Specific Rates of the 5 Highest Ranked Sites by Sex and Race (65+)


    Figure 22.1: Percentage of New Cancers by Sex, Race and Site Age 0-14

    Figure 22.2: Percentage of Cancer Deaths by Sex, Race and Site Age 0-14

    Figure 23.1: Percentage of New Cancers by Sex, race and Site Age 15-39

    Figure 23.2: Percentage of Cancer Deaths by Sex, race and Site Age 15-39

    Figure 24.1: Percentage of New Cancers by Sex, Race and Site Age 40-64

    Figure 24.2: Percentage of Cancer Deaths by Sex, race and Site Age 40-64

    Figure 25.1: Percentage of New Cancers by Sex, Race and Site Age 65+

    Figure 25.2: Percentage of Cancer Deaths by Sex, Race and Site Age 65+


    Figure 26: Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates for Tobacco-Related Cancers (1) by Sex and Race

    Figure 27: Prevalence of Current Cigarette Use Among Adults by Sex and Race (Pending)

    Figure 28: Prevalence of Current Cigarette Use Among Adults by Age Group (Pending)

    Figure 29: Prevalence of Current Cigarette Use Among Adults by Health Coverage (Pending)

    Cancer Burden

    Table 33: Number of Cancer Hospitalizations by Sex and Race

    Table 34: Number of Cancer Hospitalizations by County

    Table 35: Crude Hospitalization Rates for Cancer by County

    Table 36: Total and Median Length of Stay per Cancer Hospitalization by Sex and Race

    Table 37: Total Length of Stay per Cancer Hospitalizations by County

    Table 38: Total Charges for All Cancer Hospitalizations by Sex and Race

    Table 39: Median Charge per Cancer Hospitalization by Sex and Race

    Table 40: Total Charges for All Cancer Hospitalizations by County

    Table 41: Median Charge per Cancer Hospitalization by County


    Appendix A.1. Population by Sex, Race and Age Group

    Appendix A.2. Population by County

    Appendix B Incidence and Mortality Codes for Cancer Sites

    Appendix C Principal Diagnosis code ranges

    Appendix E.1 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of All Cancer Sites by County (Pending)

    Appendix E.2 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Lung Cancer by County (Pending)

    Appendix E.3 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Prostate Cancer by County (Pending)

    Appendix E.4 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Breast Cancer by County (Pending)

    Appendix E.5 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Colorectal Cancer by County (Pending)

    Appendix E.6 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Bladder Cancer by County (Pending)

    Appendix E.7 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Head and Neck Cancer by County (Pending)

    Appendix E.8 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma by County (Pending)

    Appendix E.9 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Melanoma by County (Pending)

    Appendix E.10 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Ovarian Cancer by County (Pending)

    Appendix E.11 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Cervical Cancer by County (Pending)

    Introduction Methods Definition

    SUGGESTED CITATION: Florida Annual Cancer Report: 2020 Incidence and Mortality. Tallahassee: Florida Department of Health, 2020.

    ACKNOWLEDGMENT: We acknowledge the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for its support of the Florida Cancer Data System, and the publication and distribution of the Florida Annual Cancer Report under cooperative agreement U58DP003872-04 awarded to Florida. The findings and conclusions in this [report] are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


    Table 1: Number of New Cancer Cases by Sex and Race

    Table 2: Number of New Cancer Cases by County

    Table 3: Number of New Cancer Cases by Sex, Race and Age Group

    Table 4: Age Adjusted Incidence Rates by Sex and Race

    Table 4.1 Age-Adjusted Incidence Rate (1) Comparison Florida and U.S.(2)

    Table 5: Age Adjusted Incidence Rates by County

    Table 6: Age specific incidence Rates by Sex, Race and Age Group

    Table 7: Percentage of Advanced Stage Cancer at Diagnosis by Sex and Race

    Table 8: Percentage of Advanced Stage Cancer at Diagnosis by County

    Table 9: Percentage of Advanced Stage Cancer at Diagnosis by Sex, Race and Age Groups


    Figure 1: Percentage of New Cancer Cases by Sex, Race and Site

    Figure 2: New Cases and Age Adjusted Incidence Rates for All Cancers by Sex and Race

    Figure 3: New Cases and Age Adjusted Incidence Rates for All Cancers by Sex and Race

    Figure 4: Age Adjusted Incidence Rates for All Cancers by Sex and Race

    Figure 5: Age Specific Incidence Rates for All Cancers by Sex, Race and Age Group

    Figure 6.1: Age Adjusted Incidence Rates by Sex and Race

    Figure 7: All Cancers by Stage

    Figure 8.1: Percentage of Advanced Stage Cancer at Diagnosis by Sex and Race


    Table 10: Prevalence of Breast Cancer Screening Among Females Age 40 and Older (Pending)

    Table 11: Prevalence of Pap Smear Test Among Females Age 18 and Older (Pending)

    Table 12: Prevalence of Prostate Screening Among Males Age 40 and Older (Pending)

    Table 13: Prevalence of Colorectal Screening Among Adults Age 50 and Older (Pending)

    Table 14: Prevalence of Cancer Screening in Adults by County (Pending)


    Figure 9: Prevalence of Mammogram Among Females Age 40 and Older (Pending)

    Figure 10: Prevalence of Pap Smear Test Among Females Age 18 and Older (Pending)

    Figure 11.1: Prevalence of PSA Test Among Males Age 40 and Older (Pending)

    Figure 11.2: Prevalence of Digital Rectal Exam Among Males Age 40 and Older (Pending)

    Figure 12.1: Prevalence of Blood Stool Test Among Adults Age 50 and Older (Pending)

    Figure 12.2: Prevalence of Sigmoidoscopy Exam Among Adults 50 and Older (Pending)


    Table 15: Number of Cancer Deaths by Sex and Race

    Table 16: Number of Cancer Deaths by County

    Table 17: Number of Cancer Deaths by Sex, Race, and Age Group

    Table 18: Age Adjusted Mortality Rates by Sex and Race

    Table 18.1 Age-Adjusted Mortality Rate (1) Comparison Florida and U.S.(2)

    Table 19: Age Adjusted Mortality Rates by County

    Table 20: Age Specific Mortality Rates by Sex, Race and Age Group

    Table 21: Deaths-to-Cases Ratios by Sex and Race

    Table 22: Deaths-to-Cases Ratios by County

    Table 23: Deaths-to-Cases Ratios by Sex,Race and Age Group

    Table 24: Years of Potential Life Lost Due to All Causes and Selected Cancers by Sex and Race

    Table 25: Years of Potential Life Lost Due to All Causes and Selected Cancers by Sex and Race

    Figure 13: Percentage of Cancer Deaths by Sex, Race and Size

    Figure 14: Deaths and Age Adjusted Mortality Rates for All Cancers by Sex and Race


    Figure 15: Deaths and Age Adjusted Mortality Rates for All Cancers by Sex and Race

    Figure 16: Age Adjusted Mortality for All Cancers by Sex and Race

    Figure 17: Age Specific Mortality Rates for All Cancers by Sex ,Race and Age Group

    Figure 18.1: Age Adjusted Mortality by Sex and Race

    Figure 19: Years of Potential Life Lost by Sex and by Race

    Figure 20: Average Years of Potential Life Lost by Race and Cancer Site

    Figure 21: Average Years of Potential Life Lost by Race

    Cancer by Age

    Table 26: Age Specific Rates of the 5 Highest Ranked Sites by Sex and Race (0-14)

    Table 27: Age Specific Rates of the 5 Highest Ranked Sites by Sex and Race (15-39)

    Table 28: Specific Rates of the 5 Highest Ranked Sites by Sex and Race (40-64)

    Table 29: Age Specific Rates of the 5 Highest Ranked Sites by Sex and Race (65+)


    Figure 22.1: Percentage of New Cancers by Sex, Race and Site Age 0-14

    Figure 22.2: Percentage of Cancer Deaths by Sex, Race and Site Age 0-14

    Figure 23.1: Percentage of New Cancers by Sex, race and Site Age 15-39

    Figure 23.2: Percentage of Cancer Deaths by Sex, race and Site Age 15-39

    Figure 24.1: Percentage of New Cancers by Sex, Race and Site Age 40-64

    Figure 24.2: Percentage of Cancer Deaths by Sex, race and Site Age 40-64

    Figure 25.1: Percentage of New Cancers by Sex, Race and Site Age 65+

    Figure 25.2: Percentage of Cancer Deaths by Sex, Race and Site Age 65+


    Figure 26: Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates for Tobacco-Related Cancers (1) by Sex and Race

    Figure 27: Prevalence of Current Cigarette Use Among Adults by Sex and Race (Pending)

    Figure 28: Prevalence of Current Cigarette Use Among Adults by Age Group (Pending)

    Figure 29: Prevalence of Current Cigarette Use Among Adults by Health Coverage (Pending)

    Cancer Burden

    Table 33: Number of Cancer Hospitalizations by Sex and Race

    Table 34: Number of Cancer Hospitalizations by County

    Table 35: Crude Hospitalization Rates for Cancer by County

    Table 36: Total and Median Length of Stay per Cancer Hospitalization by Sex and Race

    Table 37: Total Length of Stay per Cancer Hospitalizations by County

    Table 38: Total Charges for All Cancer Hospitalizations by Sex and Race

    Table 39: Median Charge per Cancer Hospitalization by Sex and Race

    Table 40: Total Charges for All Cancer Hospitalizations by County

    Table 41: Median Charge per Cancer Hospitalization by County


    Appendix A.1. Population by Sex, Race and Age Group

    Appendix A.2. Population by County

    Appendix B Incidence and Mortality Codes for Cancer Sites

    Appendix C Principal Diagnosis code ranges

    Appendix E.1 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of All Cancer Sites by County (Pending)

    Appendix E.2 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Lung Cancer by County (Pending)

    Appendix E.3 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Prostate Cancer by County (Pending)

    Appendix E.4 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Breast Cancer by County (Pending)

    Appendix E.5 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Colorectal Cancer by County (Pending)

    Appendix E.6 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Bladder Cancer by County (Pending)

    Appendix E.7 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Head and Neck Cancer by County (Pending)

    Appendix E.8 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma by County (Pending)

    Appendix E.9 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Melanoma by County (Pending)

    Appendix E.10 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Ovarian Cancer by County (Pending)

    Appendix E.11 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Cervical Cancer by County (Pending)

    Introduction Methods Definition

    SUGGESTED CITATION: Florida Annual Cancer Report: 2021 Incidence and Mortality. Tallahassee: Florida Department of Health, 2021.

    ACKNOWLEDGMENT: We acknowledge the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for its support of the Florida Cancer Data System, and the publication and distribution of the Florida Annual Cancer Report under cooperative agreement U58DP003872-04 awarded to Florida. The findings and conclusions in this [report] are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


    Table 1: Number of New Cancer Cases by Sex and Race

    Table 2: Number of New Cancer Cases by County

    Table 3: Number of New Cancer Cases by Sex, Race and Age Group

    Table 4: Age Adjusted Incidence Rates by Sex and Race

    Table 4.1 Age-Adjusted Incidence Rate (1) Comparison Florida and U.S.(2)

    Table 5: Age Adjusted Incidence Rates by County

    Table 6: Age specific incidence Rates by Sex, Race and Age Group

    Table 7: Percentage of Advanced Stage Cancer at Diagnosis by Sex and Race

    Table 8: Percentage of Advanced Stage Cancer at Diagnosis by County

    Table 9: Percentage of Advanced Stage Cancer at Diagnosis by Sex, Race and Age Groups


    Figure 1: Percentage of New Cancer Cases by Sex, Race and Site

    Figure 2: New Cases and Age Adjusted Incidence Rates for All Cancers by Sex and Race

    Figure 3: New Cases and Age Adjusted Incidence Rates for All Cancers by Sex and Race

    Figure 4: Age Adjusted Incidence Rates for All Cancers by Sex and Race

    Figure 5: Age Specific Incidence Rates for All Cancers by Sex, Race and Age Group

    Figure 6.1: Age Adjusted Incidence Rates by Sex and Race

    Figure 7: All Cancers by Stage

    Figure 8.1: Percentage of Advanced Stage Cancer at Diagnosis by Sex and Race


    Table 10: Prevalence of Breast Cancer Screening Among Females Age 40 and Older (Pending)

    Table 11: Prevalence of Pap Smear Test Among Females Age 18 and Older (Pending)

    Table 12: Prevalence of Prostate Screening Among Males Age 40 and Older (Pending)

    Table 13: Prevalence of Colorectal Screening Among Adults Age 50 and Older (Pending)

    Table 14: Prevalence of Cancer Screening in Adults by County (Pending)


    Figure 9: Prevalence of Mammogram Among Females Age 40 and Older (Pending)

    Figure 10: Prevalence of Pap Smear Test Among Females Age 18 and Older (Pending)

    Figure 11.1: Prevalence of PSA Test Among Males Age 40 and Older (Pending)

    Figure 11.2: Prevalence of Digital Rectal Exam Among Males Age 40 and Older (Pending)

    Figure 12.1: Prevalence of Blood Stool Test Among Adults Age 50 and Older (Pending)

    Figure 12.2: Prevalence of Sigmoidoscopy Exam Among Adults 50 and Older (Pending)


    Table 15: Number of Cancer Deaths by Sex and Race

    Table 16: Number of Cancer Deaths by County

    Table 17: Number of Cancer Deaths by Sex, Race, and Age Group

    Table 18: Age Adjusted Mortality Rates by Sex and Race

    Table 18.1 Age-Adjusted Mortality Rate (1) Comparison Florida and U.S.(2)

    Table 19: Age Adjusted Mortality Rates by County

    Table 20: Age Specific Mortality Rates by Sex, Race and Age Group

    Table 21: Deaths-to-Cases Ratios by Sex and Race

    Table 22: Deaths-to-Cases Ratios by County

    Table 23: Deaths-to-Cases Ratios by Sex,Race and Age Group

    Table 24: Years of Potential Life Lost Due to All Causes and Selected Cancers by Sex and Race

    Table 25: Years of Potential Life Lost Due to All Causes and Selected Cancers by Sex and Race

    Figure 13: Percentage of Cancer Deaths by Sex, Race and Size

    Figure 14: Deaths and Age Adjusted Mortality Rates for All Cancers by Sex and Race


    Figure 15: Deaths and Age Adjusted Mortality Rates for All Cancers by Sex and Race

    Figure 16: Age Adjusted Mortality for All Cancers by Sex and Race

    Figure 17: Age Specific Mortality Rates for All Cancers by Sex ,Race and Age Group

    Figure 18.1: Age Adjusted Mortality by Sex and Race

    Figure 19: Years of Potential Life Lost by Sex and by Race

    Figure 20: Average Years of Potential Life Lost by Race and Cancer Site

    Figure 21: Average Years of Potential Life Lost by Race

    Cancer by Age

    Table 26: Age Specific Rates of the 5 Highest Ranked Sites by Sex and Race (0-14)

    Table 27: Age Specific Rates of the 5 Highest Ranked Sites by Sex and Race (15-39)

    Table 28: Specific Rates of the 5 Highest Ranked Sites by Sex and Race (40-64)

    Table 29: Age Specific Rates of the 5 Highest Ranked Sites by Sex and Race (65+)


    Figure 22.1: Percentage of New Cancers by Sex, Race and Site Age 0-14

    Figure 22.2: Percentage of Cancer Deaths by Sex, Race and Site Age 0-14

    Figure 23.1: Percentage of New Cancers by Sex, race and Site Age 15-39

    Figure 23.2: Percentage of Cancer Deaths by Sex, race and Site Age 15-39

    Figure 24.1: Percentage of New Cancers by Sex, Race and Site Age 40-64

    Figure 24.2: Percentage of Cancer Deaths by Sex, race and Site Age 40-64

    Figure 25.1: Percentage of New Cancers by Sex, Race and Site Age 65+

    Figure 25.2: Percentage of Cancer Deaths by Sex, Race and Site Age 65+


    Figure 26: Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates for Tobacco-Related Cancers (1) by Sex and Race

    Figure 27: Prevalence of Current Cigarette Use Among Adults by Sex and Race (Pending)

    Figure 28: Prevalence of Current Cigarette Use Among Adults by Age Group (Pending)

    Figure 29: Prevalence of Current Cigarette Use Among Adults by Health Coverage (Pending)

    Cancer Burden

    Table 33: Number of Cancer Hospitalizations by Sex and Race

    Table 34: Number of Cancer Hospitalizations by County

    Table 35: Crude Hospitalization Rates for Cancer by County

    Table 36: Total and Median Length of Stay per Cancer Hospitalization by Sex and Race

    Table 37: Total Length of Stay per Cancer Hospitalizations by County

    Table 38: Total Charges for All Cancer Hospitalizations by Sex and Race

    Table 39: Median Charge per Cancer Hospitalization by Sex and Race

    Table 40: Total Charges for All Cancer Hospitalizations by County

    Table 41: Median Charge per Cancer Hospitalization by County


    Appendix A.1. Population by Sex, Race and Age Group

    Appendix A.2. Population by County

    Appendix B Incidence and Mortality Codes for Cancer Sites

    Appendix C Principal Diagnosis code ranges

    Appendix E.1 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of All Cancer Sites by County (Pending)

    Appendix E.2 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Lung Cancer by County (Pending)

    Appendix E.3 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Prostate Cancer by County (Pending)

    Appendix E.4 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Breast Cancer by County (Pending)

    Appendix E.5 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Colorectal Cancer by County (Pending)

    Appendix E.6 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Bladder Cancer by County (Pending)

    Appendix E.7 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Head and Neck Cancer by County (Pending)

    Appendix E.8 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma by County (Pending)

    Appendix E.9 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Melanoma by County (Pending)

    Appendix E.10 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Ovarian Cancer by County (Pending)

    Appendix E.11 Age-Adjusted Incidence and Mortality Rates of Cervical Cancer by County (Pending)

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