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Florida Statutes
 Florida Statute 385.202 provides for the establishment of a statewide cancer registry.
All facilities licensed under
Florida Statute 395
and each freestanding radiation therapy center as defined in
Florida Statute 408.07
shall report to the Department of Health, through FCDS, such cancer incidence
information as specified by
Rule 64D-3
which includes, but is not limited to, diagnosis,
stage of disease, medical history, laboratory data, tissue diagnosis, radiation, or
surgical treatment and either method of diagnosis or treatment for each cancer diagnosed or
treated by the facility or center. Failure to comply with this requirement may cause for
registration or licensure suspension or revocation.
Any licensed practitioner in the state of Florida that practices medicine, osteopathic,
chiropractic medicine, naturopathy or veterinary medicine are required to report under
Florida Statute 381.0031
or any laboratory licensed under chapter
Florida Statute 483
that diagnoses or suspects
the existence of a disease of public health significance shall immediately report the fact
to the Department of Health.
Health Care Practitioner Reporting Guidelines for Reportable Diseases and Conditions in Florida (Based on Revisions to Rule 64D-3.029 Florida Administrative Code Effective October 20, 2016)
FCDS continues to adhere to all Florida Statues and Department of Health guidelines
regarding patient and institutional confidentiality.
No institute or individual complying with Florida Statutes 385.202, 405.01, 381.0031 and Florida State Administrative Code Rules 64D-3.034 shall be civilly or criminally liable for divulging information required by the law.
Search current Florida Statutes for 385.202, 405.01, and 381.0031. Search current Florida State Administrative Code for Rules 64D-3.034.
Please visit the
Florida Statutes for the latest revisions to the above statutes,
Florida Administrative Weekly and Florida Administrative Code for the latest rules.