The Medicare and Medicaid Promoting Interoperability (PI) Programs
Formerly Meaningful Use EHR Incentive Program
FCDS Participation in MIPS/MU 2020
Effective January 1st, 2020 the Florida Cancer Data System will no longer be participating in the CMS Interoperability Programs. Access to registration documentation and reporting status for the 2019 year will still be available through the IDEA System.
Physician reporting is still required by state statute. While we will no longer be accepting registration and/or submissions for the Interoperability programs in 2020, reporting to the cancer registry is still required by Florida state statute for providers in oncology, urology, hematology, and dermatology. We have established reporting mechanisms for these specialties and they will continue without change (e.g., Derm Abstract Module, electronic medical claims). For more information please follow this link:
As an alternative to MU/MIPS cancer reporting in Florida, there may be other available reporting options, such as the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's National Health Care Surveys
For questions please contact Monique Hernandez,