The Florida Cancer Data System - IDEA

New IDEA App is now available

  • IDEA Installation Instructions
  • IDEA New User Creation Instructions


  • IDEA Installation Instructions
  • IDEA New User Creation Instructions

  • Contact Melissa Williams 305-243-2641 or for help with FCDS IDEA accounts.
  • Contact Mark Rudolph 305-243-2626 or for technical aspects of FCDS IDEA such as browser problems
  • How to adjust the Panel Size in FCDS IDEA to make it easier to read
  • New FCDS Policy on Edit Over-Rides (forces) - effective January, 7, 2010

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    to print PDF reports.

    Please note: The Adobe Reader install pages may ask if you want to also install other optional programs such as Chrome. These optional programs are not required by FCDS IDEA.

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    Data Requests | Path Labs | RT | Physicians | IDEA Requirements