Florida Cancer Data System credit card processing
The following button will go to a third party credit card processing site used by University of Miami.
You may use that page to send credit card payments to FCDS for:
FCDS Annual Meetings: indicate Registration Type 'FCDS Annual Meeting'
Contact Bleu Jeanty Thompson, Staff Accountant, bthompson@med.miami.edu (305) 243-2635, for information about our Annual Meetings
FCDS Data Requests: indicate Registration Type 'FCDS Data Request' and the 'Data request#' (i.e. 2014-01)
Contact Brad Wohler-Torres, MS, Manager of Statistics, brad_wohler-torres@miami.edu (305) 243-5527 for Data Request information. The type of data, returned information, and amount of time to process the request varies depending on each unique request. See FCDS Data Requests for complete information.
FLccSC Membership: indicate Registration Type 'FLccSC Membership - (i.e. Annual Fee - Year 2018)'
Contact the FLccSC Help Desk for information about the FLccSC Learning Management System
See FCDS FLccSC for complete information.
Refund Policy:
The policy at FCDS is no refunds for credit card charges.
Privacy policy regarding information supplied to the credit card processing company:
FCDS will not rent, sell, or distribute the information the third party credit card
processing company collects with your credit card information.
We will only use the information to process the credit card payment and to handle billing problems.
For any questions on FCDS billing/credit card payments, contact:
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
PO Box 016960 (D4-11)
Miami, Florida 33101
You may also directly contact FCDS administration:
Betty Fernandez, Manager of Administrative Staff, bfernand@med.miami.edu (305) 243-2629
Bleu Jeanty Thompson, Staff Accountant, bthompson@med.miami.edu (305) 243-2635