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    NAACCR Cancer Registry and Surveillance Webinar Series

  • Webinars are recorded. Note: some webinar recordings are hosted by NAACCR on or Zoom sites, which some facilities may block accessing or may block downloading recording files. Please contact your facility's IT department if you are unable to access the recording link.
  • NAACCR Webinars
  • NAACCR also requires the links to the recordings be protected and available only for registered participants.
  • Links to the recordings and CEU quizzes are now posted on the FCDS FLccSC site. Login to FCDS IDEA->Education menu->Learning Management system.
  • You will only see the NAACCR webinars in FLccSC if you have an FL address *and* you have an active entr/admin role in FCDS IDEA to a FL facility.

  • 2023-2024
    NAACCR Cancer Registry and Surveillance Webinar Series
    Date Webinar Files
    10/05/2023 Lung 2023 Part 1 Lung 2023 Part 1 Q and A, Lung 2023 Part 1 Slides-UPDATED 10-17-23, Lung 2023 Part 1 Biomarkers Slides, Lung 2023 Part 1 Case Scenarios - 10-16-23, Lung 2023 Part 1 Case Scenarios Worksheet, Lung 2023 Part 1 Case Scenario Answers
    11/01/2023 Lung 2023 Part 2 Lung 2023 Part 2 Q and A, Lung 2023 Part 2 Slides - Updated 11.9.23,
    12/07/2023 Radiology and Radiation Radiology and Radiation Q and A, Radiology and Radiation Slides - Updated 12.22.23,
    01/10/2024 Liver and Bile Ducts 2024 Liver and Bile Ducts Q and A, Liver and Bile Ducts Slides - UPDATED 1/16/2024,
    01/31/2024 Pancreas 2024 Pancreas 2024 Q and A, Pancreas 2024 Slides - Updated, Pancreas 2024 Case Scenarios - Updated, Pancreas 2024 Case Scenarios Worksheet, Pancreas 2024 Case Scenarios Answers,
    03/06/2024 Boot Camp 1 2024 Boot Camp Part 1 2024 Q and A, Boot Camp Part 1 2024 Slides, Boot Camp Part 1 2024 Quizzes Updated, Boot Camp Part 1 2024 Quiz Answers Updated,
    04/04/2024 Boot Camp 2 2024 Boot Camp Part 2 2024 Q and A, Boot Camp Part 2 2024 Slides, Boot Camp Part 2 2024 Quizzes, Boot Camp Part 2 2024 Quiz Answers,
    05/01/2024 Ovary 2024 Ovary 2024 Q and A, Ovary 2024 Slides - Updated, Ovary 2024 Case Scenarios, Ovary 2024 Case Scenario Answers,
    06/05/2024 Thyroid 2024 Thyroid 2024, Thyroid 2024 Slides Updated 6.14.24, Thyroid 2024 Case Scenarios, Thyroid 2024 Case Scenario Answers,
    07/10/2024 Life in a CoC Accredited Facility in 2024 Life in a CoC Accredited Facility in 2024 Slides, Life in a CoC Accredited Facility in 2024 Q and A, 2026 NCIP Survey Readiness Assessment - Template, Cancer Committee - Gap Analysis Example-Eisenhower, RQRS Quality Measure Status 06.24.2024, 2026 NCIP Survey Readiness Assessment - Template, 2022 to 2024 BLANK Std. 5.2 Psychsocial Distress Screening, 2022 to 2024 BLANK Std. 4.7 Oncology Nutrition Services Template, 2022 to 2024 BLANK Std. 4.6 Rehabilitation Care Services Template, 2022 to 2024 BLANK Std. 4.5 Palliative Care Services Template, 2022 to 2024 BLANK Std. 4.4 Genetic Counseling and Risk Assessment Template, 2022 to 2024 BLANK Standard 4.8 Survivorship Program Template
    07/31/2024 CNS 2024
    09/04/2024 Coding Pitfalls 2024
    NAACCR Cancer Registry and Surveillance Webinar Series
    10/06/2022 Breast 2022 Part 1 Breast 2022 Part 1 Q and A, Breast 2022 Part 1 Slides Updated, Breast 2022 Part 1 Case Scenarios Updated, Breast 2022 Part 1 Case Scenarios Answers,
    11/03/2022 Breast 2022 Part 2 Breast 2022 Part 2 Slides - updated, Breast 2022 Part 2 Q and A,
    12/01/2022 Esophagus 2022 Esophagus 2022 Q and A, Esophagus 2022 Slides - updated, Esophagus 2022 Case Scenarios, Esophagus 2022 Case Scenarios Answers - updated,
    01/12/2023 Head and Neck 2023 Head and Neck 2023 Q and A, Head and Neck 2023 Slides updated, Head and Neck 2023 Case Scenarios, Head and Neck 2023 Case Scenarios Worksheet, Head and Neck 2023 Case Scenarios Answer Sheet, Head and Neck 2023 Jeopardy Questions - UPDATED,
    02/02/2023 Data Item Relationships Data Item Relationships 2023 Q and A, Data Item Relationships 2023 Slides - Updated,
    03/02/2023 Boot Camp 2023 Boot Camp 2023 Q&A, Boot Camp 2023 Slides - UPDATED, Boot Camp 2023 Quizzes - UPDATED, Boot Camp 2023 Quiz Answers,
    04/06/2023 Prostate 2023 Prostate 2023 Q&A, Prostate 2023 Slides - updated, Prostate 2023 Case Scenario, Prostate 2023 Case Scenario Answers,
    05/04/2023 Lower GI 2023 Part 1 Lower GI 2023 Part 1 Q&A, Lower GI 2023 Part 1 Slides UPDATED w/Poll rationale, Lower GI 2023 Part 1 Poll Questions Updated,
    06/01/2023 Lower GI 2023 Part 2 Lower GI 2023 Part 2 Q&A, Lower GI 2023 Part 2 Slides Updated, Lower GI 2023 Part 2 Poll Questions,
    07/13/2023 IT worked for ME: In FUNmatics in the Cancer Registry I.T. Worked for Me: In"FUN"matics in the Cancer Registry 2023 Q&A, I.T. Worked for Me: In"FUN"matics in the Cancer Registry 2023 Slides, I.T. Worked for Me: In"FUN"matics in the Cancer Registry 2023 Poll Summary,
    08/03/2023 Melanoma 2023 Melanoma 2023 Q and A, Melanoma 2023 Slides - Updated,
    09/07/2023 Coding Pitfalls 2023 Coding Pitfalls 2023 Q and A, Coding Pitfalls 2023 Slides Updated 9.14.23, Coding Pitfalls 2023 Questions, Coding Pitfalls 2023 Poll Questions Answers,

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